Sump Pumping

Sump pumping is the simplest form of dewatering and can be very reliable. Groundwater is allowed to flow into the excavation and is collected in sumps where it is then pumped away. In certain conditions, sump pumping can be very efficient and is highly cost effective, however uncontrolled seepage into the excavation can cause instability and other construction problems. Additionally, the disposal of the water needs to be handled carefully, to ensure that the quality of the water is suitable for discharge.


Why Use Sump Pumping?

Sump pumping is particularly suited to shallow excavations in permeable soils, and for deeper excavations in rock or cemented soils where there is no concern over ground stability and seepage flow conditions.

WJ Groundwater has a wealth of experience in using sump pumping as a method of dewatering. Rest assured that our expert team and innovative technology means we are fully equipped to install the sum pump safely, oversee the operation and ensure that the water is disposed of safely and ethically.


Featured Sump Pumping Projects

DLR Extension, Greenwich

DLR Extension, Greenwich

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  • Crossrail Cross Passages

    Crossrail Cross Passages

  • Well Drilling
  • Probe Drilling
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  • Nottingham One, Canal Street

    Nottingham One, Canal Street

  • Sump Pumping System
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  • Galataport Project, Istanbul, Turkey

    Galataport Project, Istanbul, Turkey

    The Galataport Project is a city project with a master plan coherent with the neighbourhood texture of the historical Karaköy region and İstanbul.

    WJ Group AdminSump Pumping